Sunday, 4 February 2007

Mac support for GPS-CS1 coming soon?

Apologies for the lack of updates recently.

I was hoping that Mac OS X 10.4.9 would have been released by now, and we could see if it fixed Mac support the GPS-CS1. It's still in beta (developer seeding) though there are signs that a public release could be imminent.

Yet another new build has been sent out to developers, and there are two hints that it's nearly ready. First, there have been very few fixes between this build (8P125/8P2125) and the last one - and there are no known issues this week. Second, this is the first version that's been sent out to non-developers. It's gone to ordinary customers who are part of Apple's customer seeding program.

If anyone, developer or customer, has 10.4.9 and a GPS-CS1 then they won't be able to tell us if it works because of Apple's confidentiality agreements. However if you are one of these people, if you test it and it doesn't work, please can you report it to Apple?

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Stephen said...

Update - another week, another developer seed of 10.4.9

8P127(PPC)/8P2127(Intel) contains 5 fixes since 8P125/8P2125 and like that build is released with no known issues.

Surely we can't have much longer to wait?

Stephen said...

There's still time to prove me wrong about this, but it looks like there's been no new developer seed of 10.4.9 this week.

Perhaps a sign that the public release will be as early as next week? Probably on Tuesday or Thursday.

Stephen said...

Sigh. Spoke too soon - another new seed of 10.4.9 was released to developers yesterday.

8P130(PPC)/8P2130(Intel) contains 3 new fixes since the last one and again is released with no known issues.

Don't know if there's any significance in the fact this seed took a little longer than one week but I guess it'll be at least another week before 10.4.9 goes live to everyone.